Fall 2006   

Project Plant Gardens Brighten The City and Spirit of Athens

Artful Gardens, Plus Some Art

Yes, indeed. Those really were Bicycle Flowers entwined with mandevilla vines in that East State Street traffic island garden this year. They were created by Joey Boyle, a member of Christina Deshaies's Thyme and Again Gardening crew who do our gardens. The Bicycle Flowers were designed not only to beautify the garden but also to cheer their ailing friend and fellow bicyclist, Kaleb McCutcheon. Kaleb died of cancer a few weeks after the installation. Project Plant is planning a wildflower planting, to quote Kaleb, "somewhere where walkers and bike riders will enjoy them."

bike art
Athens Messenger photo by John Halley
Joey Boyle installs East State Street garden art.

Our City Gardens Began...

...with flower baskets to brighten a fire scarred Court Street. Starting in 1985 the wrought-iron flower baskets, produced by Athens High Industrial Technology students, beautified the street for many summers.

The East State Street traffic island near the Bob Evans Restaurant was our first traffic island garden. Today that garden is one of eight city entry sites we beautify. The others include traffic islands at the intersection of Stimson Avenue and East State; on Columbus Road near WATH and Route 33; two island gardens at the Richland Avenue/Route 682 entry; the Second Street/Columbus Road corner; and Madison Avenue at East State.

Our largest garden is at the Athens County Convention and Visitors Bureau at Mansfield House, 667 East State Street. We also started many other City gardens now maintained by part-time City landscapers. The City installs the flower baskets on Washington Street in the center of town and on the Richland Avenue Bridge.

How Does Our Gardening Grow?

The Athens County Convention and Visitors Bureau has supported us with tourism funds as has Athens City Council. The O'Bleness and Athens Foundations have given us grants in the past. For over twenty years, however, our most generous funding for this totally Athens civic enterprise comes from the citizens of Athens City and County. Thank you all!

bike flower
Athens Messenger photo by John Halley
Lisa Agriesti, of Thyme and and Again Gardening, plants flowers near the Bicycle Flowers sculpture created by Joey Boyle on the East State Street traffic island garden.

Plant even more this year!

Like to help us?

You can join in the gardening that helps make Athens such a remarkable
place by sending a tax deductible contribution to:

Project Plant, P. O. Box 5676, Athens OH 45701.